Not so long ago I spotted a stylish board in a beach cottage that had the most gorgeous print (I'll have to hunt down the mag article for your viewing pleasure). At first glance the board appeared to be re-designed (as in purchased and repainted). But upon closer inspection it was designed for/by Lilly Pulitzer. Since then, I've toyed around with the idea of creating my own Lilly-esque design that would be hand painted (or stenciled) on the board. We have a few vintage boards laying around but I'm sure my husband would have my hide if I covered their original 80's designs. So for now, I'll be on the hunt for a board in need of some love (and paint!) to test my surfboard decor skills. In the meantime here are a few images of Lilly boards and a surfboard inspired designs.
Lilly Boards can be found at: Walden Surfboards
Design Tip: I've seen surfboards done well (as in the pictures above) and I've seen some not so great installations. My personal opinion here is to not take things too far, I call it light done right (pretty sure that is in a food commercial somewhere). It should be treated like a great unexpected surprise complimenting the other items in the room but not overly theme oriented.
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